So far things are going pretty good. I was at a plateau last week. I didn’t lose any weight. This week has been amazing, I reached the 30 pound weight loss mark and added another sticker to my chart. I have gone down just about 3 pants sizes and I went from a 3XL/4XL to a 2XL/XL top. I am feeling so much better. My blood pressure was running around 144/96 and at the last check up it was 136/82 and they used a smaller cuff. I am using my inhaler less and less which is wonderful and less of a burden for me. As far as the exercising, I would love to say it’s getting easier but my trainer pushes me every day. I am able to do things for a longer period of time. We do Zumba every Tuesday night and that is one heck of a workout. I am up to about 15 pushups where when we first started I was barely able to do 1. There is this exercise called a plank, and when we first started working out, I could only hold a plank for about 3-5 seconds, now I’m doing them for 30-45 seconds. I am doing exercises that I can’t believe I’m able to do. I have an excellent trainer, Paige. She knows how far she can push me and most of the time she pushes me to the max. I may tell her that I don’t like her while we are working out but I love her she is awesome. All the pain, sweat and tears are worth it in the end. I know I have a long way to go and this is only the beginning. I had a friend from high school tell me to make small goals that lead up to my large goal. I am taking my weight loss journey 5 pounds at a time and each time I earn a sticker, the girls at work make a big deal out of it and makes me feel great. Even the patients ask if I earned a sticker yet. I finally realized that losing weight has to be done for yourself and not for anyone else. I am doing this for ME.