June 2011

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Ah yes! The free cookie day! It is no more.

On a serious note - yes! Finding new ways to cook some of your favorite foods healthier is a great way to go to be successful. Keep researching, reading and learning about nutrition.

Knowledge is key.


Thank you for your advice Brad. I will be sure to keep looking for new ideas.


You are doing great Brittany. Keep an open mind with those vegetables! They are your best friend.


Thank you A.K. I was very surprised to find I loved your bell pepper recipe!

Diane Jones

Go get it Brittany! I know you can make this work. I'm really proud of you:)


Thank You Mickey Diane!


How are your workouts going?


They are going really well. Had my second workout this afternoon and I am definitely sore. I am about to make a new post. :)

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